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  • Your Osteoporosis is Treatable

    Fortunately, over the past two decades there has been great progress with numerous new medications developed that have dramatically improved the ability of health care professionals to successfully treat osteoporosis, resulting in a decreased chance of suffering an osteoporotic bone fracture.

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  • Retrolisthesis and Spine Surgery

    Retrolisthesis is a backward movement of a spinal vertebra relative to the vertebra beneath it. Historically, retrolisthesis has been seen as having no clinical significance. But as research activities continue, associations with pain, decreased functionality, and degenerative changes in the spine are being made.

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  • 98,000 patient study links diabetes to spinal stenosis

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 38.4 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, 97.6 million people 18 or older have prediabetes and 27.2 million people 65 and older have prediabetes. As our population stands at roughly 336,377,915 people, those in the above categories represent nearly half of the country.

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  • What to know about spinal stenosis surgery

    Spinal stenosis is a condition that causes the spaces in the spine to become narrow. This can put pressure on the spinal cord. When the spaces in the spine narrow, it can create pressure on the spinal cord and any nearby nerve tissue.

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  • What are the most effective medications for back pain?

    Researchers have conducted several research reviews into medications for back pain. They found some may be more effective than others.

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