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Why Are You Getting Lower Back Pain?

Back pain can hamper your daily activities. Injuries in the soft tissues are normally the causes of back pain. Back pain can damage your intervertebral discs. Long hours of sitting, improper posture, lifting heavy weights without precautions can cause you back pain. Age is a big factor for back pain too. Aged people may experience back pain due to degenerated discs.

What causes lower back pain?

There are various causes of lower back pain. There are ligaments, tendons, muscles and bones in our back that usually work together to help us move around by supporting our body. Your lower back is hurt when there is any issue with ligaments or muscles in your lower back. The most common causes of back pain are -

Strain and sprain of the muscles and ligaments

Strain of the muscles refers to the force of a muscle in stretching too far that damages the muscles in its own way. Sprain refers to the wrench or twist of the ligaments. It damages the ligaments that cause you to have severe back pain. If you are in OKC, you can get in touch with a back doctor to help you get relieved.

Lifting of heavy weights can cause you to have muscle strain in some cases. But in that case the reasons might be stretching of the muscles, muscle spasms or certain injuries.

In rare cases, when the pain lasts more than three years, it's considered to be chronic pain. There are certain causes behind chronic pain. They are -

  • Since the chronic pain in the lower back is mainly dysfunction of discs, herniated discs are the causes of lower back pain.
  • As we grow up, our discs slowly lose hydration and wear down. The loss of hydration makes it difficult for the discs to resist the forces. Therefore, it transfers forces into the disc wall, thereby, giving you a painful session. The discs may collapse during this time.
  • Extreme as well as less motion of the joints can cause sacroiliac joints to become inflamed and as a result, your lower back starts to be hurting.
  • Osteoarthritis is another cause of lower back pain. It causes inflammation and pain in the lower back. Osteoarthritis can also be a result of aging factor.
  • Improper posture and sudden movements can lead you to experience lower back pain. Sitting at a particular place for a longer period of time, improper posture of sleeping and certain other abrupt movements including twisting and coughing can cause lower back pain.

Pain in your lower back can be treated. Pain can vary from mild to severe and in that case while you are in OKC, you can contact a lower back doctor.

At Neuroscience Specialists, our world class doctors will help you to address your pain and give you permanent relief. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with an expert neurosurgeon.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.