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When the Pain Lingers after Covid-19
When the Pain Lingers after Covid-19

Coronavirus has made a mess of our lives, truly. It has hurt our business, economy, lives, and even politics. But the worst hurt people are probably those who don’t completely recover from the symptoms of COVID-19. These people are suffering from what we call long-haul Covid.

Even months later, a COVID-19 patient can feel some residual symptoms of the disease. Even after the infection has completely gone away, the feelings of the disease can persist. Most of those require visits to a pain clinic because they are often found as persistent pain, especially in joints or muscles.

Some of the hurting sensations with this disease we are familiar with — the pain that is associated with hospitalization and treatment. Coming out of an ICU can often be accompanied by intense pain in certain areas of the body. We can also experience cognitive problems, mental distress, and having trouble getting back to normal living. Even walking can be rather a chore.

The reason for this is directly connected to how long the patient has been immobilized in an intensive care unit or a ventilator. If it is too long, muscle atrophy can set in, welcoming weakness and pain in any movement. What’s more, it can also cause neurological problems as well.

These problems, unfortunately, linger on. They do not go away as fast as the COVID-19 falls. They can remain for months, and thereby we have the long-haul covid-19 issue. And you know the worst thing? Some of the treatments of the disease can actually exacerbate these issues even further!

We are still in quite a juvenile area when talking about the coronavirus — we kn0w very little about it, even after all this. And so, the long-term effects of COVID-19 are still only being discovered, since, simply put, we didn’t have enough time to observe enough coronavirus cases. It can be that these issues can be put to rest by simply taking help from a pain clinic. On the other hand, they can be quite serious and longer-lasting than we imagine.

The psychological issues one experiences after COVID are no joke either. Depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, cognitive difficulties, sexual issues, etc. are being reported from all directions from covid recovery cases. If you are getting bogged down in persistent and meaningless pain, depression, or any such other issues, make sure your doctor knows about it quickly.

If you are suffering from pain, reach us at Neuroscience Specialists in OKC. The specialist team will provide various services including cranial conditions & treatment options, spinal conditions & treatment options, peripheral nerve conditions & diagnostics.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.