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What You Need To Do Before a Carpal Tunnel Surgery?
What You Need To Do Before a Carpal Tunnel Surgery?

We use our hands in everything without a second thought. We can't understand that unknowingly, we put immense pressure on our hands. The carpal tunnel syndrome is extremely painful to deal with. If you experience numbness, pain, tingling in your fingers, you need to pay attention. A carpal tunnel treatment surgery can help you in this case.

How can you give your wrists some rest?

Although a surgery can give you a permanent relief, you can follow certain steps to make sure you give your wrists some rest. You experience carpal tunnel syndrome when your median nerve is pressurized. The perfect time to give your wrists some rest is the time of sleeping, i.e. nighttime. It's an important step before opting out for a surgery. By giving your wrists enough resting time you can avoid certain painful occurrences.

  • Make sure you have kept your wrists at a certain position that would allow you not to sleep on it.
  • By continuing the nighttime wrists splitting for one week, you can avoid having carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • The safest option for you if you experience painful symptoms is contact your doctor as soon as possible.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Arthritis?

Carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis are two different problems. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the compression of the median nerve while arthritis is the degeneration of the joint. In both cases, it is common to experience wrist pain, numbness and tingling. Decreasing blood circulation to the median nerve leads to hand numbness and tingling. You can follow certain steps to make sure your wrists are given enough rest.

What can you do more for your wrists?

You need to be attentive during your working time. Make sure your wrists are not static. It's important to move your wrists rather than maintaining a prolonged static position. At the same time you need to be careful about the fact that your hand position is not putting pressure on your palm.

What should you do if you experience insufficient improvement?

Steroid injections may be used for insufficient improvement. And if after trying no-operating therapies, you are yet to experience results; it is the time for a carpal tunnel treatment surgery. To go for surgery, make sure you have contacted your doctor.

A carpal tunnel surgery will give you a permanent solution for your wrist pain. You can do whatever you want after the completion of the surgery. It only requires two weeks of special care to make sure your stitches are dried. After your stitches are removed, you can start your daily activities slowly.

At Neuroscience Specialists, you will get your desired treatment. Our specialized neurosurgeons are always for you. We comply with patients' needs and try to bring a solution. Contact us now to schedule an appointment.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.