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What Is Neck Pain and How to Prevent It?
What Is Neck Pain and How to Prevent It?

According to the research, more than 45 percent of Americans suffer from neck pain. It is one of the common problems among adults due to their lifestyle. You can suffer from neck pain due to various reasons. The specialists can easily prevent the problem. If you are suffering from neck pain for a longer period of time, then look for neck and back doctors near you.

Generally, you can classify neck pain into two categories - chronic pain and acute pain.

What Is Acute Neck Pain?

If you get injured due to a car accident, the muscle can strain. As a result, you can experience neck pain. You may also notice neck pain due to sleeping in a wrong position.

What Is Chronic Neck Pain?

If you experience pain in your neck for a while and cannot reduce it, then it is called chronic neck pain. You can experience pain because of pinched nerves, herniated discs and bodily positions.

Generally, you don’t have to do surgery in order to solve the problem. You just follow a few tips including taking medication, exercises and chiropractic care. But in a few cases, surgery is the ultimate solution to solve the problem permanently. If you are suffering from cervical arthritis, cervical stenosis, herniated disc and degenerative disc disease, then the specialist recommends surgery. To be sure about the procedure, you can search for neck and back doctors near you. He or she will help you to understand the importance of the procedure.

How to Prevent Neck Pain?

  • You should keep your feet flat on the floor.

  • You must avoid slouching.

  • Keep the shoulders down and relaxed.

  • You must support your lower back while sitting straight.

  • Don’t forget to adjust your computer in order to bring the monitor is at eye level.

  • You have to maintain healthy body weight.

  • You can also use a neck support pillow while sleeping.

  • You should use a speakerphone or headset while talking on the phone. If you cradle the phone on your shoulder, it may cause neck pain.

  • You can reduce stress with exercise and relaxation techniques.

  • You should do neck exercises regularly in order to protect your neck.

  • While reading, you can keep your neck in a neutral position by using pillows.

Get in Touch

If you are suffering from neck pain for a while, then contact neck and back doctors near you. You can also reach us at Neuroscience Specialists. We are offering you the opportunity of virtual visits to protect you from the coronavirus as much as possible.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.