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Stretches for seniors to Relieve Back Pain
Stretches for seniors to Relieve Back Pain

Back pain can occur because of arthritis, obesity, poor posture or even mental stress. Most of the back pain cases have mechanical reasons that mean the pain does not come from any infection, cracks or any other serious issue. Even back pain can occur due to kidney stones or blood clots or other internal problems.

Treating back pain at home could be difficult and you need assistance of back pain specialist. One of the most effective ways to help in back pain is keeping our postures correct, the muscles strong and the spine supple. Simple stretching can aid in all of these. Make sure to consult a back doctor before doing stretches at home. Here are some easy stretches to help in back pain.


Here are some of the exercises that you can do sitting on a chair like a heavy dining room char but not an arm chair. You will get good posture while sitting on a rigid and sturdy surface. There is no other tool required. Make sure to seat with the feet firmly placed on the floor and keep the knees at 90-degree angle.

Neck and Chest Stretch

Even before we all were addicted to the mobile phone screen, we tend to keep our chin down or forward while reading books, writing, eating, driving and more. This is the cause of neck pain and can also cause pain in other body parts like spine and back especially the upper and mid section. Sit straight on the chair and put your hands behind the head. Keep the elbows straight and parallel to the shoulder. Now bent right and left and keep breathing.

Seated Gentle Backbend

The upper and the midback section that are the thoracic or the cervical spine start to curve with age. It happens as we keep the chins down and our motions performed in our lives. Following lazy postures can also make you weak and make you hunched with age and make the back muscles tensed. A gentle backbend can ease this tension. Seat on a chair straight and place the hands gently on the hips and inhale. Place feet firmly on the floor and bend backward and count five with deep breathes and release.

Reach back

This is a movement to help with the shoulder stretches and the chest. To seat hunched or leaned forward you may feel good. But this creates tension in the chest as it pulls the muscles of the area. It causes pain in the upper and the mid back section as the muscle group stops working. The following movement will relax and open the chest muscles, work with the postural muscle and improve the shoulder extension. Sit straight with the feet firmly on the floor. Keep the hand behind and make a fist at the position of your hips. Stretch the hands and inhale and release the stretch close to the body and exhale. Inhale deeply and exhale when you reach behind. Inhale as deep as you can feel the spine growing longer.

Gentle twist

Spine twist is a great stretching option that helps in digestion, blood circulation and muscle toning. Similarly this is amazingly good for low back pain. Seat on the chair straight and keep the waist and hip straight and look back from right to left and left to right. Doing this simple stretch a few times will improve spinal flexibility, relax tensed muscles.

Call Neuroscience Specialist for back pain specialist in OKC. We would guide you for spine problems, neuro issues and more.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.