Neck and back pain are the most common disorders. Because of a sedentary lifestyle, less physical activity, and smoking pattern, the prevalence increases. There are various preventative measures available that decrease the likelihood of problems with the neck and back which brings you to visit a neck pain specialist.
Problems with the back and neck impact some individuals. Elderly people are affected the most. Fortunately, most back and neck-related disorders are not severe. It is vulnerable to injury as the neck can execute a variety of motions. The neck and back pain impacts the quality of life and decreases the patient's functional ability. Back and neck pain can, depending on the underlying cause, be chronic, acute and sporadic. Neck and back pain may often be progressive, and over time, the severity increases.
The Common Pain Signs
Stiff Neck - Soreness and difficulty to move the neck when attempting to turn the head side by side.
Sharp Pain – It is felt locally in one place and can feel like it's stinging or stabbing. This form of pain is common in lower neck.
General Soreness – This pain occurs in the larger area of the neck. It is defined, not sharp, as achy or tender.
Radicular Pain - This pain radiated through a nerve from neck to shoulder and arm. The severity may vary and it can feel like this nerve pain is searing or burning.
Cervical Radiculopathy - Neurological deficits can be encountered in the arm because of compression in nerve root, such as problems with reflexes, feeling, or strength. Radicular pain can also follow cervical radiculopathy.
Trouble with objects grabbing or lifting - When numbness or weakness reaches the arm or fingers, this issue may occur. When so, you have to make a visit with the neck and spine doctor near you.
Headache - Sometimes, muscles and nerves linked to the head can be affected by an inflammation in the neck. Some examples are tension headache, occipital neuralgia and cervicogenic headache.
If signs of neck pain progress, sleeping can become difficult. Such everyday tasks, such as getting ready or any task involving turning the head like driving can also interfere with neck pain. If one or more symptoms are with you for quite a good time, visit a neck and back specialist.
Causes of Issues with the Neck and Back
Some of the causes of neck and back pain are listed below:
Repetitive activity: There could be neck and back issues with individuals doing strenuous exercise and repetitive behavior. Improper bending and poor posture can result in pain in the back and neck as well.
Infection: Bone infection can lead to inflammation and pain.
Tumor: The underlying tissue may be affected by a tumor or a bone spur. It results in pain in the back and neck.
Smoking: There is an increased risk of experiencing back and neck pain in people who smoke.
Obesity and overweight: As opposed to people with a healthy weight, obese and overweight people are more likely to suffer from spinal disorders. This is because of the extra pressure due to additional mass on the spine.
Arthritis: Osteoarthritis can lead to pain in the neck and back. In osteoarthritis, it inflames the bone joints.
Herniated Disc: This is a disorder in which nerve compression results from the bulging of the disc. Compression of the nerve produces back pain.
Sprains and Strains: Another source of back-and-neck discomfort is sprains and strains.
Vertebral Compression Fracture: This is a disorder in the vertebral column with slight fractures. It could lead to pain in the neck and back.
Spinal Stenosis: The spinal cord is impacted by causing discomfort as the distance between the vertebral spine is shortened.
See us here at Neuroscience Specialist for treating your back pain. We treat spinal disorders, lifestyle problems like carpal tunnel syndrome and more.
**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.