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Learn Natural Home Remedies of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Learn Natural Home Remedies of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do you know 3% of adults possess carpal tunnel syndrome in the USA? It is a common nerve issue, which triggers numbness and tingling in hands and fingers. CTS syndromes can be mild to severe. With the aid of appropriate carpal tunnel treatment surgery, original functions can be restored.

In its simplest sense, carpal tunnel is a passage from the wrist to the palm. It consists of bones, tendons, and ligaments. Median nerve passes through the tunnel. This median nerve provides sensation to the index finger, ring finger, and thumb.

Besides causing tingling and numbness, it will also dull aching. This occurs due to compression and pinching of the median nerve.

Here, we will take a look at carpal tunnel treatment options. Alleviating pain over time through natural ways will be easier.

Rest your affected hand

We know, hand is the main medium to perform everyday tasks. However, if you experience CTS syndromes, rest your affected hand. This should be done for at least 2 weeks.

Take pain medications

Take ibuprofen or naproxen to get relief from pain. Make sure you are not taking any overdosage. Consult with your physician before taking these drugs.

Use anti-vibration tools

Are you associated with any vibration works? If yes, don’t forget to use anti-vibration tools. This will alleviate your symptoms without further triggering them.

Wear a wrist splint

A wrist splint will help to brace the median nerves. Besides, it will decrease repetitive flexion and rotation. Apply splint within three months of experiencing the symptoms.

Wear work gloves

To protect your hand or wrist from any sharp object, working gloves would be the better option.

Apply heat & ice pack

Heat and cold is the easiest way to get quick relief from pain since the medieval ages. You can apply heat water bags to the affected area. After a small interval, rub ice on the same area. Do the exact 5-6 times per day. It will alleviate your pain and swelling.

Perform hand exercises

Go for hand and wrist-stretching exercises. This will improve overall blood flow, followed by losing the muscle spasms. Make sure you are practicing exercise under any expert supervision.


These certain measures will help to reduce pain and pressure on your wrist. According to an OKC nerve specialist, natural medications have a prolonged effect on alleviating pain and muscle stress. Still, if you are experiencing persisting pain even after applying these methods, don’t hesitate to call Neuroscience Specialists. Renowned specialists will check your condition and prescribe carpal tunnel treatment options accordingly. Sign up for more details.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.