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How to Treat a Stiff neck or a Neck Injury?
How to Treat a Stiff neck or a Neck Injury?

Typically, a stiff neck is due to muscles weakness because of bad posture or misuse over time. If you look at your computer all day, it can pneumatically tire the muscles around your neck joints. Driving or looking at your smart phone can have the same effect over long periods of time. You can add and move your neck joints if you do that day after day.

The joint would not move smoothly any longer. Like you cannot turn your head as your neck muscles are weak. It's now out of place. The joint often catches something, either pulling or irregularly hitting the nerve, or perhaps both of them.

Then immediate pain will come to you and the protective spasm of your body. You don't want your body to get hurt more so it clings, so you feel you can't even move — and wonder what you've done to wound yourself. At that point, visit a neck specialist at the earliest.

The Neck Pain Causes

Neck pain or rigidity can occur for a number of reasons.

Stressed or Tensed Muscles

This is usually because of activities and conduct like:

  • Poor posture
  • Sitting at a desk for longer time without changing the position
  • Sleep in a bad position
  • Neck jerking during your workout


The neck is most susceptible to harm, particularly in cases of falls, automobile accidents and sports, where the neck has to move outside its range of muscles and ligaments.

Heart Ache

Heart ache often could be a symptom of neck pain but this is present with other symptoms:

  • Shortness of breathe
  • Sweat
  • Nausea
  • Pain in the arm or jaw


Meningitis is a thin tissue inflammation that circles the brain and backbone. Fever and headache often occur with a steep neck in people who have meningitis. Meningitis is a medical emergency and can be fatal. Before it turns worse, pay a visit to a neck specialist in OKC.

Pain Relief


Setting your monitor at the level of the eye can help you avoid neck pain by settling straight and avoid tilting your head, down or on the side while you are on the computer. When you drive or watch your smartphone, be careful that you take frequent breaks and avoid a long pause in the neck. The right extension and manipulation are the main relief for a stiffening neck.

Sleeping Positions

You should also pay attention to your sleep positions if your neck is bothering you. Just sleep on your side or back – never on your stomach.

Try these simple solutions for minor, common causes of neck pain:

  • In the painful area apply heat or ice. For the first 48 to 72 hours use ice and then use heat. Warm showers, hot compresses and a heating pad can be used for heating. Make sure to avoid skin injuries by not sleeping in a heating pad or bag.
  • Take pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen on over-the-counter.
  • Continue to move, but avoid jerking, or pain. Their symptoms are calmed and inflammation is minimized.
  • Do up and down, side by side, from ear to ear, and other slow range exercises. This helps stretch the muscles of the neck carefully.
  • Massage the sore or painful areas carefully to a partner.
  • Try to sleep with a pillow or a special pillow on a strong mattress.
  • Visit a neck and spine doctor.

See us at Neuroscience Specialist for neck and spine doctor near you. We would guide you to get relieved from neck pain or other pain issues.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.