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How Can You Treat Cauda Equina Syndrome?
How Can You Treat Cauda Equina Syndrome?

If you suffer from Cauda equina syndrome, it requires surgical decompression for reducing pressure on the impacted nerves. The best doctors for back pain recommend the patients do decompression immediately. If the symptoms of the syndrome develop suddenly, then the doctor can recommend surgery within eight hours.

There is conflict about the perfect timing of surgery. But the specialists think that if you do surgery within 24 to 48 hours, then you can get maximum advantages. The surgery can reconcile the sensory and motor shortage and increase the chance of improvement. The patients who have done the surgery even after the recommended time can also get benefits. Their rectal and urinary function is improved after the surgery.

What Is Surgical Decompression?

Generally, the best doctors for back pain use decompression to treat Cauda equina syndrome. But they can also use lumbar microdiscectomy according to the situation. After the surgery, the patients have to take rest in the hospital for a few days. The doctor can monitor the healing process of motor and sensory function.

Post-Surgical Recovery Factors

Your recovery process depends upon various factors. You should observe how the nerve is decompressed and the nerve damage during surgery. The recovery time may vary from patient to patient. Nobody can recover from the Cauda equina syndrome at the same time. After the surgery, many patients can feel leg pain or back pain now and then. They can also experience bowel dysfunction, bladder dysfunction and other problems. It depends mainly on the severity of symptoms and the time duration of nerve compression.

It is a popular myth that the patients who get neurological damage for the syndrome are permanent. According to research, the patients can get a near-normal voiding of a bladder. It does not interrupt their daily life at all. Surgery and post-surgery care can help them to lead normal lives.

Place Your Trust in Us

If you are suffering from Cauda equina syndrome, then do not waste your time. You may contact Neuroscience Specialists as soon as possible. The experts can guide you to the best to get rid of this issue permanently.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.