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Back Pain & Lower Back Pain Management: A Detailed Scenario
Back Pain & Lower Back Pain Management: A Detailed Scenario

Plethora of reasons can cause back pain. However, it resolves within two to four weeks. A recent report claims most of the American experiences back pain due to their work nature. Although, there are some of the common reasons to visit a back doctor frequently.

Is back pain common?

As per the study, 75% people experience back pain, especially the elders. If you are experiencing back pain every now and then, then you should consult with the best doctors for back pain.


  • Muscle ache feeling

  • Shooting pain

  • Stiffing on the back neck

  • Unable to stand with proper posture

  • Radiating pain in both legs

Origin of back pain

There can various sources of back pain-

Bulging discs

In between vertebrae, there are spinal discs. Sometimes, these soft cushions bulge out from the original place: causing back pain. Even a minor injury can cause disc related pain. However, some people having herniated discs never experience back pain.

Stains of the muscle

Muscle pain is the main agent for causing back pain. It includes improper lifting techniques, poor posture or a sudden movement.


Sciatic nerve is a large nerve that extends from the lower back to each leg. Sciatica leads to spinal stenosis- a pinched nerve in lower back. Having degenerative disc disease, compression fracture or arthritis- may lead you to experience bone and joint pain in the back. OKC back pain doctors can easily treat these symptoms.

Back pain risk factors

Few factors like smoking, obesity, sedentary work, depression etc can increase the risks of lower back pain.

Some of the diagnosis testing for back pain

To determine the severity or magnitude of your back pain, your doctor will ask for diagnostic testing.

MRI or CT scan

These tests show the bone and muscle images. Besides, it also shows disc herniation, ligament problems and the muscle tears. Back pain doctors can understand your back pain.

Nerve studies

EMG or electromyography can detect the abnormal activity of the muscles, including pinched nerves, muscular dystrophy and nerve damage. Mainly two parts of EMG testing is there i.e. nerve conduction study and needle exam study. Needle exam picks up the normal and abnormal electrical signals of muscles.

At Neuroscience Specialists, best back pain doctors value your concern. To book an appointment with us, kindly call or visit our website. We hope to serve you better.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.