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Back Pain and Its Management
Back Pain and Its Management

Back pain is a common cause for lack of work and medical care. It can be unpleasant and weak causing injuries, operation and other medical conditions. For various reasons, back pain can affect people of any age. As people get older, lower back pain is more likely due to factors like previous occupation and degenerative discovery conditions.

Lower back pain may be connected to the lumbar back, the spinal and ribs, spine cords, lower back muscles and internal pelvic organs and skin all over the lumbar region. Low back pain can be related to the lower lumbar spine. You need to get connected with a back specialist to get rid of the pain.

Diseases of the aorta, chest tumors and spine inflammation may cause pain in the upper back.

Lower back pain can be connected to the lumbar back, the spinal and ribs, spine cords, lower back muscles and internal pelvic organs and skin all over the lumbar region. Low back pain can be related to the lower lumbar spine.

Diseases of the aorta, chest tumors and spine inflammation may cause pain in the upper back.


The human back is made up of a complex muscle, ligament, tendon, disc and bone structure that works together to support the body and helps us to circulate.

The spinal segments are covered by so-called discs, which are like cartilage.

Problems with either of these can lead to back pain. The cause remains unclear in some cases of back pain.

Damage can be induced, among others, by stress, medical conditions and bad posture.


Back pain is typically caused by pressure, stress, or injury. History of back pain is common:

  • Muscles or ligaments stressed

  • A spasm of muscle

  • Tension of the muscle

  • Discs that have been damaged

  • Wounded, divided or fallen.

Activities which may lead to strains or spasms are:

  • To wrongly pick something

  • To lift something too weighty

  • To make an abrupt and uncomfortable move

The Problems of Structure

There may also be several structural issues that lead to back pain.

  • Discs that are broken: every spine vertebra is covered with discs. When the disc breaks; more pressure will be exerted on the nerve and back pain will result.

  • Bulging discs: a bulging disc may create a greater stress on the nerve in much the same way as ruptured disks.

  • Sciatica: Sciatica is a condition that happens when sharp and tiring disc caused by bulging discs or by the herniated discs that press on nerves, pass through the buttock and back of the leg.

Visit Neuroscience Specialist if you are looking for best doctors for pain. We are located in OKC and can provide you the right treatment.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.